1. Read Unclutter Your Life in One Week!! by Erin Rooney Dolan this week.
Full of great ideas & helpful info!!
3. Host a yard sale. We had a yard sale after the auction and again this week-end to sell things from my parents’ estate and will be hosting several more (including my own “stuff”) as long as the weather remains mild!
4. Paint my front door a pretty shade of pink. Done! :)

5. Add flowers to the front porch that complement the door. Check! Already time to
replace them with chrysanthemums!
replace them with chrysanthemums!
6. Order materials and new curriculum for school. Check!
Started it during jury duty in June…Loving it so far...still haven’t finished! (Busy doing other things!?!?!!!!!!! :))
8. Write my Philosophy of Christian Education paper to finish the course! Done and turned in!
9. Find the electric sander!
Couldn’t find it…If it was in the barn it was sold in the
auction! :(
10. Sand and paint the hutch in my breakfast room, white.
So far, it’s stripped and sanded.
11. Paint the inside robin’s egg blue. Will do.
12. Purchase new handles and knobs. Check.
13. Replace the old ones. As soon as it's painted!
14. Go to the beach. Check!
15. Look for shells, sea glass, and heart shaped rocks. I could do this for hours!
16. Bring home a zip lock bag full of beach sand and display my finds. {above}
20. Make Mom’s potato salad (family favorite!) and strawberry/blueberry shortcake.
22. Go to the fireworks in the evening.

23. Toast marshmallows.
Made strawberry jam!
28. Get the bike from Dad’s barn and attach my new basket.
29. Add flowers.
30. Sort through all the paperwork from Mom and Dad’s estate.
Sort .Pay bills. File. Repeat.
31. Get up really early and go for a walk. ...went a few times!
32. Pick wildflowers on the way. Picked flowers and black raspberries! Much to the chagrin of my daughter, Crystal, AKA Jillian Michaels! :)
35. Get a pedicure too. check
36. Buy a pretty summer dress. check
38. Try a new Weight Watcher recipe.
[Nothing to write home about.]
39. Make an appointment to highlight my hair!
Thinking about going
even lighter next time!
40. Go on a garden tour. Toured Warren
41. Super clean my classroom and re-vamp my desk.

42. Go to a matinee on a rainy afternoon or when it’s just too hot.
Not much rain this summer!
43. Have movie theater popcorn and Diet Coke for lunch.
Didn’t get to the movies this summer, but
I’m planning on going to see Coco (Chanel) & Igor(Stravinsky) after school on Thursday.
44. Scour the thrift shops for the perfect living room coffee table. Found one. Not perfect,
but good enough ( for 6 bucks!) until I find the perfect one !
45. Go for blood work prior to...
46. …my annual physical. Check. Check! Followed by a few precautionary
(expensive)follow-up visits.
47. Print photos with Zig Ziglar’s quote for my WW (Weight Watcher) friends.
49. Take living room curtains, linen tablecloth & napkins to the dry cleaner. Check.
Time to put those drapes back up!
50. Get a tan. Enough to give a healthy glow!
51. Keep a food journal to track WW points daily. Off and on...must do better! Not
my strong suit!
52. Plant the rest of the flowers I’ve already bought. Planted most of them!
53. Send some “Bluebird Notes” (note cards, really) to Koralee. Special delivery! :)
54. Add lime slices to my seltzer water. YUM!
55. Paint B’s room and make into a “guest room.” Asked my Brother-In- Law to help. Soon, very soon!
56. Put the pineapple bed from Mom and Dad’s in the guest room. After the room is painted!
57. Purchase new bedding and curtains. Check!
58. Paint the living room. Doesn’t feel like a priority until after the other rooms are done.
59. Paint the downstairs bathroom. My BIL will do that too! YIPPEE!
60. Touch up the paint in the upstairs bathroom. Ditto!
61. Take deep breaths. Just did, and do often!:)
62. Design Lap books for gardening classes…Started them at school this week!
63. … and American history classes. We’ve been working on them for a couple of
weeks. :)
64. Make Christmas gift list and take it when I go thrifting. Check.
65. Look for a replacement piece of glass for ballerina picture. No luck…funny size. Decided to get one cut to size at the hardware store.
66. Fill a box of books to sell to “The Book Bear.”

Decided to sell them at our yard sale.
67. Look for cheap vintage dictionaries to shred and punch… Found one in Dad’s barn after the auction was over!
68. ..or vintage French dictionaries…ooh la la! No dictionaries at the Book Bear, but I did find a fun book of Premiere Lecons de Francais! I don’t think I can shred it though!
69. Plan a vacation getaway with my husband. ROCKPORT, MA
70. Schedule a day with C, B, &; J to go through and pack up stuff at Mom and Dad’s. ongoing…
71. Look in the barn for gardening tools to donate to school. I put aside a few things…
73. Look up at the sky and find the Big Dipper. I love stargazing!
74. Drink a Corona Light with lime.
5. Paint Olivia’s dolly high chair to match her kitchen set. Done…
76. Add a vintage decal. …and done…

77. Find one first. …only it’s a sticker. I couldn’t find a decal I liked any better than a sticker I already had!)
78. Read blogs about “Where Women Create.” Read several…so many!
79. Organize craft and gift storage room. Organize…reorganize…organize again!
80. Begin an inspiration bulletin board. Check.
81. Help Beth with decorating Olivia’s bedroom. Working on it for her birthday in
82. Talk to pastor about Sunday School curriculum ideas.
Now I’m the Sunday School Superintendant! :)
83. Pray continually. Please, Lord,help me to make this the priority it
should be!
84. Count my blessings. 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...
85. Look for the simple pleasures in every day. eyes wide open!
86. Start a blog for recording inspirational quotes and scripture verses.
87. Think of a name first. In the Garden
88. Organize my home office. Organize…reorganize…organize again!
89. Do something about all the wires! Done.
90. Set up bill pay system for self and estate. Still need HELP with this!
91. Sit and Relax…92. Soak up the sun. 93. Swim in the pool. Those were the days!
94. Remember these are the days we long for in the middle of winter! Duly noted…and
often! :)
95. Invite a friend over for lunch. 96. Serve chicken salad on a croissant, green grapes, potato chips and something sweet and lovely for dessert. Thought my daughter Jade’s summer birthday was the perfect opportunity!
97. Set a pretty table. 98. Use Mom’s Waterford Crystal glasses.
99. Finish crafting my photo note cards for my 100th post giveaway! Congrats to Judy@ Just a Little Something For You
100. And lastly… Don’t fret if it everything on this list doesn’t get done!
I did many things that I had planned and many more that I hadn’t! I had a WONDERFUL summer! What do I miss most? Sleeping until eight and staying up late!!!! Oh, that (alarm) clock !!!!
Quick count says I accomplished about 83 things on my list with most of the others at least in progress!!! Woo Hoo!
100?? Amazing.
ReplyDeleteNumber #41 rocks.
Hi sweet Susan!! Your 100 list is inspiring!! You made me think I need some extra push...
ReplyDeleteThe picture which brings you and the lovely ladies of your family is really gorgeous, Susan!! Your daughters look like you!!!
Kisses, dear, and be fine!! Bela.
Wow....I am impressed!!! Not only that you did so much but that you took the time to go through all 100 to update us...you amaze me sweet one.
ReplyDeleteHope all is well.....sending you oodles of love and hugs. xoxoxxoxo
WHEW!!! YOU DID IT AND you are now inspiring me to do this...I shall start out with a short list, but YOU DID IT SUSAN! Hey, how is school? I AM BUSHED!!!!
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely day. You deserve to put up your feet after all of this!!! Anita
83...Pretty darn good!!
ReplyDeleteit was a really fun summer!!
Fires, and cookouts, and heart-shaped rocks oh my!!! :) :)
love your, "darn that clock." :)
who doesn't love a good Sleeping Beauty quote??? :) LOVE YOU
Susan! THANK YOU FOR YOUR LOVELY COMMENTS on my drawings! You are so kind and encouraging! I am having such fun and now my husband is back into his art. We both grew up with drawing but left it aside in our early teens. It is never to late to start again! I hope school is treating you well; we are so busy, but it will get better as soon as we learn the routine of this new curriculum!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your weekend, Anita
ReplyDeleteI am amazed at all your efforts, including the list. I don't think I could of come up with 100 things I did during the summer. And you did 83 of them! Wow!
I love the story behind the Pink Rock!
Yes, your summer was abundant.
Thanks for sharing and inspiring us.
Quite an impressive list my friend. I like that you started the list with that good looking picture of the women in your family. That truly is a blessing. You inspired me with the completion of most of your list. I need that inspiration. You photographed it all beautifully. I really enjoyed reading this list about you and your life. I am still using the lovely cards that you created for me and I won. I think of you whenever I see the framed painting too. Thank you again for the giveaway gift and for today's real inspiration.