Last Saturday was a day of mixed emotions
It was my birthday!
my sweet Mom was, and still is, in the hospital.(It's for this reason, and numerous computer/blogger??glitches...grrr,
that I have been unable to post lately.)
Yesterday she told me she was. ready. to. die.
it was my first birthday without my Dad.
My parents, affectionately known as
"G & G"
(Grammie and Grandad)
used to stop by with coffee
from Dunkin Donuts (my favorite :))
every Saturday morning.
(Occasionally my husband joined us,
but usually he was running
the Youth Basketball League here in town. (His bliss!)
Besides coffee they'd bring
chocolate munchkins for the great grandkids,
muffins for themselves,
and a lemon-filled donut for me!
It was our routine.
still in my pajamas
FAMILY comfortable
We'd catch up on the previous week's activities
and delight in watching my sweet grandkids
and sing
and run
and live
with sweet abandon.
It was always the same.
{Gosh, I haven't had a lemon-filled donut in six months!}
Funny, isn't it, how it's the
that mean so much when they're gone.
I did, however, receive many
gifts and
good wishes
from family
and friends
to bring
sprinklings of joy
to my day.

Don't take life for granted...It is a gift from God...
thank Him for every breath...
P.S. I told the kids in my class that I was celebrating the
24th anniversary of my 29th birthday...
It kinda blew their minds!!!
Remember, they're only 7...
Kinda blows my mind too!