Monday, January 10, 2011

I loved this movie...

My only disappointment was that at the end of the movie
the characters didn't fade into their real-life counterparts.

I've googled the pics of the main players to give you a view of the real royals...

King George VI, Princess Elizabeth (presently Queen Elizabeth II), and Queen Elizabeth...

the real Lionel Logue (left)...

Wallis Simpson and Edward (VIII) later Duke of Windsor, who abdicated the throne.
Intriguing lives...non?


  1. rocky, lizzie and i saw this movie - we absolutely loved it!!! thank you for sharing pictures of the real people. :o)


  2. My 19 yr. old daughter told me I must go see I will...soon!

  3. Oh Susan dearest, I have to see this movie. Another dear blogger mentioned it and NOW I have to go out to see it. ANYTHING with royals intrigues me! So dear one, how is school going? Second week back and it is great; however, the only thing is that I just want to run HOME to see my new addition take more and more shape daily!!!!

    Have a wonderful week and do you get MLK day off on Monday? WE DO and we are painting!!!

    BISES, Anita

  4. I'm a Royal watcher, for sure! Anything to do with the Royal family. It started with Princess Di.
    The movie is on my "must see" list. Thanks!

  5. Oh I must go see this...I think my husband would soooo love this movie..he is a history buff!

    Happy day to you my friend....enjoy! xoxoxo

  6. Thanks dear SUsan!! I am running to watch it!!! Love! Bela
